at some point
the work
it becomes you.
consumes like waves
thrown by mother nature
over a pier.
thoughts you didn’t ask for
can fog the mind
like plumes of smoke.
maybe verse will find you
in a dully lit bar
where a bartender
and their drunk regulars
argue over a few spilt pennies
until the jar
takes the form
of alabaster.
what it boils down to
what it comes
down to
is the swallow
of consumption.
you go to the place
where few words are ever
or required.
but there are words
out there
they swirl like leaves
inside the gut of a man
who consumes too much
of everything—
slop included.
some of the best writers
consider their words to be
a red traffic light.
others the touch of a woman’s thigh
or classical sound
one that reminds them
there are still symphonies to be heard
in this world.
as the work becomes you
addiction compounds
until only
the writer
can depart.
some go smiling
into the afterlife
with plenty left said.
others depart
with the reluctance
of a tired infant
but not nearly
enough of what matters
written down.
When are you doing a reading tour around the world? We need to hear your words :').
Really good mood. thanks David