Shades of Ginsberg, certainly. There were some nice 'howl' lines. As a European I hope that America's trajectory is a warning to us lot ... but those protesting are slowly being hammered hard back into the dust of the voiceless.

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Very much Ginsberg inspired and totally agree, we live in Orwellian times and still it happens, even though most of us read the book

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Orwell and Huxley were compulsory reading for me at school in the late-1960s-early-70s. Instead of being a warning, now they seem to be used as an operational manual.

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So true Huxley was a genius I read these people to. The government are basically using the rule book

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What we see in our country certainly makes us all want to howl like that, good job.

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I hear echoes of Ginsburg in this poem. Thinking back to his time and mine, how ironic how little has changed.

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He understood

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Very much inspired by Ginsberg

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A straightforward look at the current state of affairs here in the States not unsympathetic to truth yet nostalgic for an America that perhaps once was ( it's early ). A sort of diagnosis ( it's early, as I said )

Very well done, thank you. With appreciation.

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