"I stole her cigarettes when the time came."

Good line...

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great! & i like the drawing also

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Children growing like tombstones - What about the worm Ouroboros, or was it a serpent ? Potato, potahto.....

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Ah, children can be such ungrateful wretches.

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I turned my mother's hair prematurely GREY. At FORTY, or close enough.

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I’m sure she hopes that you will one day suffer a bit as well. Ha!

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& she'll make me unable to be affected by CBD or THC or even Lite beer. If I move to Amsterdam, I might as well move to Salt Lake City Utah. NOOOOOOOO ! There are reputable people who have told me that there are cannabis & liquor stores there.

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Karma can be somewhat overly diligent. Like doing an appendectomy with a katana, & Inigo Montoya as the chief surgeon thinking that we're all the six - fingered man !

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